For Kids

Welcome to the world of a mysterious surveillance service worker whose job is to watch other people through cameras hidden in their apartments and offices. To the right of the monitor you can see our role characteristics: the level of health, satiety and vigor. They are replenished with the help of other interior items – if we move the mouse to the right, then instead of looking at the computer we will see a picture of the rest of our modest room. On the right is a bed, clicking on which you can plunge into a healthy sleep of your choice; on the left is a no less useful refrigerator: for filling it with contents, there are two ads attached on the door, about delivering pizza or hot dogs from a restaurant and buying food in the supermarket.

The problem is that there will not be enough time even more than money or food, because it is very difficult to break away from peering over the lives of their players. At first, we have only four cameras, and only two of them demonstrate something really worthwhile (the rest can be safely ignored – no matter how much you wait, nothing interesting will happen in the hen house, on the airfield or on the factory conveyor). At the same time, on “live” screens, remarkable events, that is, the appearance of actors occur, as a rule, only several times a day, for one or several hours at a time, and this moment still needs to be managed to trap (and not sleep and work out) and view from start to finish. Indicators in the upper right part of the monitor are designed to help this: those cameras where an action is observed are marked with flashing lights, and the beginning of the event is also duplicated by an audible signal that is audible and when other apps are being used. Start playing  Do Not Feed Monkeys online and see what else is waiting for you!

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