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Do Not Feed the Monkeys

Internet technologies… We use it every day because they make our life so much easier. But do we realize how they actually work? How safe we are when we browse the web, upload our photos on Facebook and talk over Skype? And even worse, is there a way to use our computers against us and monitor everything we do even when our cameras are turned off? Do Not Feed Monkeys hints there might be… Playing this game online, you can get to the other side of the hacker’s screen and see how it is to watch people when they have no idea about it…

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Virtual stalker in disguise

Meet your hero. This is a regular guy nobody would suspect of any illegal activity. You may even know such people yourself without knowing who they are and what they do. To you, he would seem like a common person. He goes to work, pays the rent and generally leads a very steady life void of any shocking events. But that’s only on the surface. When he comes home, he plunges into the thrilling world of virtual stalking.

Our hero has several cameras monitoring different people. He basically tracks their every step. He sees them waking up, getting off their beds, going to the kitchen, making coffee. He sees them getting ready for work, going out of the house, driving to their office. He hears them talking to their colleagues, follows them after work wherever they go, be it laundry, gym or cafe. He knows everything about them and their lives. And even though these lives may look ordinary to a random observer, a careful observer like our hero has a chance to become a witness to captivating situations. And you won’t only look at them from afar, you’ll also get to take an active part in what happens next. You can make a choice that will affect the outcome of the game.

The camera never turns off

Your task is to monitor everything that happens on the screen. You’ll observe the daily lives of people just like you. But that doesn’t mean there is nothing to see here. Trips, meetings and conversations may host valuable information. For instance, you will see a social rights activist plotting an undercover scheme. And it’s up to you whether to help him or give him away. Other characters will be no less fascinating. At first, there will be only a few cameras. But the number of people you have to watch will increase as your career goes up. And keeping an eye on them all will get ever more difficult. You should be very attentive and capable of retaining multiple events in your view range simultaneously.

But that’s not everything you have to do. On the screen, you’ll also see different parameters of your health and energy. And if you don’t want to fall senseless, you’ll have to find some time to get a sleep and throw something into your stomach. Besides, online surveillance is not your main job, so you’ll also have to go to work unless you want to find yourself out of money and unable to pay the rent. Plus you’re constantly at risk of being caught by the police, so you also need to stay extra careful. Discover the thrills and dangers of virtual stalking and play Do Not Feed Monkeys online on our site!