Do Not Feed The Monkeys 3

In today’s world, virtual stalking is no surprise. With digital technologies packed into every device and every building, we can never be sure how safe our personal information is. Maybe someone is watching us right now… Just like the hero of Do Not Feed Monkeys 3. Observing people online is his job. He cozily sits at home with camera windows spread on his computer screen and keeps an eye on everything his ‘monkeys’ are doing. He knows when they wake up, how they spend their morning, how they get to work, what relationships they have with their colleagues, what their hobbies are – literally every little piece of their lives. Who needs it and why? You don’t know that. The bosses don’t share their motifs and agenda. You just need to do your job without asking questions. Are you up for that?

If yes, let’s get started! Look at your screen. You’ll see plenty of windows. These are cameras installed in people’s houses and offices. Through them, you can see their every move. And while most of these people seem to lead ordinary lives, you’ll get to know there may be a lot hidden under a common-looking surface. You’ll meet plenty of interesting characters and you’ll get to decide what to do with what you’ve found out about them, either lend them a helping hand or give them out to the organization you’re working for. It’s easy to get pulled along when you play Do Not Feed Monkeys, but don’t forget to get some sleep and grab something to eat, all right? Otherwise your health and energy will drain and you’ll find yourself unable to even move a finger to switch between the cameras!

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